Software — Stack — for Massively Geo-Distributed Infrastructures

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One Paper Has Been Accepted to The 14th Workshop on AI and Scientific Computing at Scale using Flexible Computing Infrastructures (FlexScience) 2024.

Proteus: Towards Intent-driven Automated Resource Management Framework for Edge Sensor Nodes

Software engineer - Extending Ansible to Speedup DevOps deployments

One Paper Has Been Accepted to IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing 2024.

SLACKVM: Packing Virtual Machines in Oversubscribed Cloud Infrastructures

One Paper Has Been Accepted to IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E) 2024.

Towards Digital Sustainability: Involving Cloud Users as Key Players

Postdoc position in Federated Learning for Enhancing Security and Privacy of Decentralised and Distributed Systems

Link to the offer

PhD Position in Leveraging hierarchical federated learning for monitoring and prediction in CEI continuum

Link to the offer

One Paper Has Been Accepted to IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (IF 35.6).

A Survey on Intelligent Internet of Things: Applications, Security, Privacy, and Future Directions

One Paper Has Been Accepted to ICE, workshop of DisCoTec 2024

A Maude Formalization of the Distributed Reconfiguration Language Concerto-D

ACM/SIGAPP SAC 2024 Best Paper Award

VeriFog: A Generic Model-based Approach for Verifying Fog Systems at Design Time

Accepted paper at 16th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (ACIIDS 2024)

Efficient Deep Learning Method For Detection Of Malware Attacks In Internet Of Things Networks Ikbel Haouas, Mouna Attia, Lazhar Hamel and Mohamed Graiet

Postdoc/Junior researcher position – Data Management and Network/Computing Continuum

Accepted paper at 8th IEEE International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing (ICFEC 2024)

Thinking out of replication for geo-distributing applications: the sharding case Geo Johns Antony, Marie Delavergne, Adrien Lebre, Matthieu Rakotojaona Rainimangavelo

Paper accepted at journal IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing (TSUSC)

SCROOGEVM: Boosting Cloud Resource Utilization with Dynamic Oversubscription Pierre Jacquet, Thomas Ledoux, Romain Rouvoy

Two papers accepted at 24th IEEE/ACM international Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing (CCGrid) 2024

SweetspotVM: Oversubscribing CPU without Sacrificing VM Performance Pierre Jacquet, Thomas Ledoux, Romain Rouvoy

Associate professor position – Software Engineering and Distributed Systems

Paper accepted at IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC): Green Communication Systems and Networks Symposium, 2024

SURFS: Sustainable intrUsion detection with hieraRchical Federated Spiking neural networks Ons Aouedi, Kandaraj Piamrat

PhD Position: Consensus algorithms for distributed storage systems

Domain and scientific/technical context

Research Internship (Master 2) on Decision models for Edge-Cloud systems

Global information Start: March 1st, 2024 Duration: 6 months Supervision: Daniel Balouek, IMT Atlantique & Inria team STACK, Keywords: Edge-to-Cloud continuum; Urgent Computing; Event-driven systems; Resource Management Link to the offer

Paper accepted to IEEE Internet of Things Magazine

Towards a Scalable and Energy-Efficient Framework for Industrial Cloud-Edge-IoT Continuum Ons Aouedi, Kandaraj Piamrat

Paper accepted to IEEE International Conference on Software Analysis, Evolution, and Reengineering (SANER 2024)

Fast Choreography of Cross-DevOps Reconfiguration with Ballet: A Multi-Site OpenStack Case Study Jolan Philippe, Antoine Omond, Hélène Coullon, Charles Prud’Hommes, Issam Raïs

Research internship (Master 2) Distributed software reconfiguration in the presence of intermittent IoT nodes

Global information Start: March 1st, 2024 Duration: 6 months Supervision: Hélène Coullon, IMT Atlantique & Inria team STACK, Sébastien Faucou, Ecole Centrale & team STR, Nantes, France, Team: Stack and STR Keywords: Distributed Software Reconfiguration, Intermittent Computing, Cloud-Edge-IoT Continuum

Research internship (Master 2) Time Simulator for the Declarative DevOps tool Ballet

Global information Start: March 1, 2024 Duration: 6 months Supervision: Hélène Coullon, IMT Atlantique & Inria team STACK, Jolan Philippe, IMT Atlantique & Inria team STACK, Team: Stack Keywords: devops; reconfiguration; service-oriented software; distributed system

Paper accepted to Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC) 2024

VeriFog: A Generic Model-based Approach for Verifying Fog Systems at Design Time Hiba Awad, Abdelghani Alidra, Hugo Bruneliere, Thomas Ledoux, Etienne Leclercq and Jonathan Rivalan

Second International Workshop on Urgent Analytics for the Computing Continuum (QUICK)

The STACK research group organizes the 2nd International Workshop on Urgent Analytics for the Computing Continuum (QUICK’2024), co-located with CCGrid2024 (May 6, Philadelphia (US)). [Flyer]

Three more papers have been accepted

Three more accepted papers, to MobiWac’23, GreenCom2023 and CPSCom 2023.

Accepted talk at CONFLANG 2023 workshop

The LIFE of CUE Eloi Perdereau, Jacques Noye

PhD Position in Modeling and Studying Self-Stabilization within Kubernetes

Starting on : Sept/Oct 2023

PhD Position in Dynamic and Smart adaptation of a Cloud2IoT service infrastructure

Apply before: 2023-08-31

Paper accepted to Service Oriented Computing and Applications(SOCA)

Formal Modeling and Verification of Scalable Service Composition in IoT environment Sarah Hussein Toman, Lazhar Hamel, Zinah Hussein Toman, Mohamed Graiet, Samir Ouchani

R&D Engineer position: A Holistic Approach for Designing Carbon-Aware and Energy-Aware Cloud applications

Application deadline: March 23rd, 2023

[FILLED] R&D Engineer on geo-distributed applications

Application deadline: February 27th, 2023

[FILLED] DevOps R&D Engineer on cloud/edge infrastructure

Application deadline: February 27th, 2023

Paper accepted at 7th IEEE International Conference on Fog and Edge Computing 2023

Mobile Edge Slice Broker: Mobile Edge Slices Deployment in Multi-Cloud Environments

Paper accepted to Journal of Reliable Intelligent Environments

Formal verification for security and attacks in IoT physical layer ZinahHussein Toman, LazharHamel, Sarah HusseinToman, Mohamed Graiet, DaltonCézaneGomes Valadares

Paper accepted at Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Elsevier

F-BIDS: Federated-Blending based Intrusion Detection System

Paper accepted to IEEE PerCom 2023

Towards Scalable Resilient Federated Learning: A Fully Decentralised Approach

Dr.Sirine Sayadi, new PhD from the team!

Congrats Sirine Sayadi!!! (Co-supervision by Profs. Mario Südholt, STACK, and Pierre-Antoine Gourraud, CR2TI lab, CHU Nantes/INSERM/Nantes University)

[FILLED] Research internship (Master 2) Leveraging DevOps and reconfiguration for adaptive federated learning with heterogeneous clients

Global information Start: ASAP Duration: 6 months Supervision: Hélène Coullon, IMT Atlantique & Inria team STACK, Kandaraj Piamrat, Nantes Université & Inria team STACK, Team: Stack Keywords: dynamic adaptation ; federated learning ; client selection

Award at 5th FUTURE-IOT Ph.D. SCHOOL for Best Challenge Realization Award

Samia Boutalbi of STACK team participated in 5th FUTURE-IOT Ph.D. SCHOOL and won “Best Challenge Realization Award” in a group event.

Thèse-Algorithmes d'apprentissage dynamique pour le jumeau numérique du territoire

Apply before: 2022-08-01

One Paper Has Been Accepted to IEEE Cloud 2022

Handling heterogeneous workflows in the Cloud while enhancing optimizations and performance

PhD TSecurity of containerized workloads: a programmable OS-level approach

Apply before: 2022-08-31

IEEE ICC 2022 Best Paper Award

Intrusion detection for Softwarized Networks with Semi-supervised Federated Learning

[FILLED] Thèse - Performances et résilience des opérations de reconfiguration de devices IoT F/H

Apply before: 2022-07-31

[FILLED] Postdoctorat – 18-months : Decentralization of distributed systems reconfiguration by using constraint programming

9 positions available at STACK within the OTPaas Framework

Accepted paper at FASE 2022

SMT-Based Planning Synthesis for Distributed System Reconfigurations

[FILLED] Engineering position: Ingénieur(e) développement logiciel spécialiste en pile logicielle pour les infrastructures massivement géo distribuées

Duration: Permanent Apply before: 2021-10-31

[FILLED] Research internship (Master 2) - Contribution to the adaptation of urgent applications in the IoT-to-Cloud Continuum

Global information Start: ASAP Duration: 6 months Supervision: Hélène Coullon - IMT Atlantique, Inria, France ; Daniel Balouek-Thomert - SCI Institute, University of Utah, USA Team: Stack Keywords: IoT-to-Cloud continuum ; urgent computing ; dynamic adaptation ; machine learning

And yet two more accepted papers

SLE 21: “Executing Certified Model Transformations on Apache Spark”

Two more accepted papers

ICDF2C’21: “A Hybrid Cloud Deployment Architecture For Privacy-preserving Collaborative Genome-Wide Association Studies”

Paper accepted at ISCC'21 - Best Student Paper Award

The Cost of Immortality: A Time to Live for Smart Contracts

Some presentations

Hélène Coullon is presenting as a invited speaker at ICE workshop of DisCoTec conference on June, 18th at 13:00:

One Paper Has Been Accepted to Euro-Par 2021

Geo-Distribute Cloud Applications at the Edge

PhD - Safe, efficient and low-energy self-adaptation for Cyber Physical Systems - Application to a scientific observatory in the Arctic tundra - Filled

This position has been filled

Master internship: Formal methods for component-based distributed systems reconfiguration

This position is no longer available

Master internship Cheops - Geo-distribute Cloud applications - Filled

This position has been filled

Automating application deployment, scaling, and management in geo-distributed infrastructures: The Kubernetes case. - Filled

This position has been filled

PhD position in 'A Model-based Approach for Multi-Scale and Dynamic Distributed Systems' - Filled

This position has been filled

Assistant Professor in Computer Science (Distributed Systems) - Filled

Congratulations to Aris for this job!

Three Papers Have Been Accepted to IEEE CCGRID 2020

Multi-site Connectivity for Edge Infrastructures - DIMINET:DIstributed Module for Inter-site NETworking

One Paper Has Been Accepted to IEEE MASCOTS 2019

Is it time to revisit Erasure Coding in Data-intensive clusters?

One Paper Has Been Accepted to IEEE ICCCN 2019

On the Importance of container images placement for service provisioning in the Edge

One Paper Has Been Accepted to IEEE SCC 2019

Service Placement in Fog Computing Using Constraint Programming

Article accepted by IEEE TSUSC

Estimating Energy Consumption of Cloud, Fog and Edge Computing Infrastructures

One paper cited in HPCWire

Automatic Energy Efficient HPC Programming: A Case Study

2 new members for the VeRDi project

Two new members have been hired for the VeRDi project and will arrive in july 2019. The first one is a 18-months postdoc expert in formal methods and verification. The second one is a 18-months engineer who will bring technical support to the project.

One Paper Has Been Accepted to ISPA 2018

Automatic Energy Efficient HPC Programming: A Case Study

Seminar and Collaboration at Northern Arizona University

Seminar and Collaboration at Northern Arizona University

VeRDi project accepted

Verified Reconfiguration Driven by Execution

Article accepted by the journal Annals of Telecommunications

Isolation in Cloud Computing Infrastructures: New Security Challenges

Congratulations to Thomas for his habiliation

Reconfiguration dynamique d’architectures logicielles : des métaclasses aux « nuages verts »

Article accepted to GlobeCom 2018

A Tree-Based Approach to locate Object Replicas in a Fog Storage Infrastructure

SysMics project (Toward Systems Medicine based on Genomics) accepted

SysMics aims at federating the NExT scientific community toward a common objective: anticipate the emergence of systems medicine by co-developing 3 approaches in population-scale genomics: genotyping by sequencing, cell-by-cell profiling and microbiome analysis.

Article accepted by IEEE TPDS

Putting the Next 500 VM Placement Algorithms to the Acid Test

Article accepted to HotEdge 2018

Edge Computing Resource Management System: a Critical Building Block!

One paper accepted to 4PAD @ HPCS 2018

Madeus: A formal deployment model

ONCOSHARe project (ONCOlogy big data SHAring for Research) accepted

The ONCOSHARe project (ONCOlogy big data SHAring for Research) will demonstrate, through a multidisciplinary cooperation within the Western CANCEROPOLE network, the feasibility and the added value of a Cancer Patient Centered Information Common for in-silico research. The STACK team will work on challenges to the security and the privacy of...

One Paper Has Been Accepted to FMEC 2018

Cache-Based Side-Channel Attacks Detection…

SKA-France / INRIA meeting

SKA-France / INRIA meeting at Paris Observatory

One Paper Has Been Accepted to SCA 2018

On the Performance of Spark on HPC Systems: Towards a Complete Picture

One Paper Has Been Accepted to SCA 2018

On the Performance of Spark on HPC Systems: Towards a Complete Picture

One Paper Has Been Accepted to CCGrid 2018

Nitro: Network-Aware Virtual Machine Images Management in Geo-Distributed Clouds

Invited talk at Biosphere 7 meeting organized by Institut Français de Bioinformatique

Compositional security and privacy for biomedical analyses using shared genetic data

aLife Workshop: Contribution of Software-related Research at Factories of the Future

The French engineering school IMT Atlantique is organizing the aLIFE workshop between industry and academia, in Nantes during two days on January, 30-31 2018. The objective of this workshop is to share various experiences and success stories, as well as open challenges related to the contribution of software-related research to...

Two Papers Have Been Accepted to CLOSER 2018

A Model-based Architecture for Autonomic and Heterogeneous Cloud Systems

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