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Invited talk at Biosphere 7 meeting organized by Institut Français de Bioinformatique -

Compositional security and privacy for biomedical analyses using shared genetic data

Mario Südholt and Fatima-zahra Boujdad

In the context of the Biosphere project that is involved in designing and implementing a Cloud-based infrastructure for the French bioinformatics community Institut Français de Bioinformatique, Mario Südholt, has given an invited talk on how to secure and privacy-preserving biomedical analyses involving, in particular, genetic data, using the COSHED approach. This approach, which is currently developed mainly as part of Fatima-zahra Boujdad’s PhD thesis, enables secure and privacy-preserving workflows for biomedical analyses to be defined compositionally.

For further information on our approach, see our publication at CLOSER 2018.