[FREE SPEECH] Mario Südholt

Full Professor in Computer Science,   Dr.-Ing.  HDR
Software Engineering, Programming Languages and Distributed Systems

STACK research team (IMT Atlantique, INRIA, LS2N)

Rahim Lahmar: new PhD student contracts for ML-intensive software: co-supervision with Wolfgang De Meuter and Coen De Roover from VUB Brussels

Research interests
  • Distributed systems, Cloud programming: virtualized environments, distributed architectures and algorithms
  • Security, privacy: protecting large-scale distributed applications
  • eHealth: large-scale biomedical analyses
  • Software engineering, programming languages: new abstractions for components and crosscutting concerns, language design, formal properties of software


(Selected) publications (Indexes: Google Scholar, HAL)

  • Head of the module "(Distributed) Deep Learning" of the MSc Alma (in French)
  • Other graduate and undergraduate courses, engineering and computer science courses on software engineering and programming

Professional activities

Collective (admin) duties
  • Responsible of the activities in software engineering and distributed systems of the API department of IMT Atlantique.
  • Representant of the API department for doctoral and MSc studies.

  • Head of the Nantes site of the doctoral school in Mathematics and Sciences and Technology of Information (MathSTIC), deputy director of the doctoral schools MathSTIC and STIM from 2014-22
  • Former head of the ASCOLA (2009-17), joint research team of IMT Atlantique, INRIA and LS2N
  • Former member of the Selection and Validation Committee (CSV) of the Images & Réseaux cluster (2010-17)

Short bio


Mario Südholt
IMT Atlantique
4, rue Alfred Kastler
F - 44307 Nantes cedex 3
Office: B224
Tel : +33 (0)
Fax : +33 (0)
sudholt (at) imt-atlantique (dot) fr

last modification on 9 Nov. 2024 by Mario Südholt